Tuesday 22 December 2009

Has anyone got a paper or digital copy of the 'Myth of the Hero Innovator' article?

I appear to have lost mine - and I am very keen to get hold of another copy - it is just such a useful and indeed seminal article. The full reference is:

Georgiades, NH, & Phillimore, L. (1975) “The Myth of the Hero Innovator and Alternative Strategies for Organisational Change”,

(in Kiernan, C.C & Woodford, F.P (eds) “Behaviour Modification with the Severely Retarded” Associated Scientific Publishers Amsterdam. 1975)

Any help much appreciated. 

Thanks and seasonal greetings to all


1 comment:

  1. I have now got one - if anyone would like a copy - please email me.Jonjon@jonharveyassociates.co.uk


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