Friday, 19 February 2010


Just a quick thank you to Tom Reynolds and all who were involved in organising and facilitating yesterday's Leadership Development Community of Practice Focus Group at Layden House. It was very good afternoon for learning and networking - and hopefully offering some ideas about the development of this COP. 

The discussion around evaluation of leadership development and how to weave that into the commissioning process was useful and could well have gone on for quite a while longer!

It was also refreshing to have the space for providers, commissioners and supporters to meet without the shackles of procurement getting in the way! Equally more time for this would have been useful!

I found these two links on evaluation that might interest some: 

"This report evaluates a Leadership Development programme delivered by the Wessex Courses Centre (WCC) and commissioned by the Hampshire and Isle of White Workforce Development Confederation (WDC). As part of the ongoing commitment to incorporate evidence into practice, the WDC commissioned an independent evaluation as part of this development course. This evaluation wasundertaken collaboratively by the Health Care Innovation Unit (HCIU) and the School of Management at the University of Southampton."


"This handbook is guided by the belief that evaluation should be supportive and responsive to projects, rather than become an end in itself. It provides a framework for thinking about evaluation as a relevant and useful program tool. It is written primarily for project directors who have direct responsibility for the ongoing evaluation of W.K. Kellogg Foundation-funded projects. However, our hope is that project directors will use this handbook as a resource for other project staff who have evaluation responsibilities, for external evaluators, and for board members" 


Apart from the fact that I always thought it was the Isle of Wight... these two documents look interesting.

 Thanks again and good to meet everyone yesterday!


This handbook is guided by the belief that evaluation should be supportive and


responsive to projects, rather than become an end in itself. It provides a framework
for thinking about evaluation as a relevant and useful program tool. It is written
primarily for project directors who have direct responsibility for the ongoing
evaluation of W.K. Kellogg Foundation-funded projects. However, our hope is that
project directors will use this handbook as a resource for other project staff who have
evaluation responsibilities, for external evaluators, and for board membersThis handbook is guided by the belief that evaluation should be supportive andresponsive to projects, rather than become an end in itself. It provides a frameworkfor thinking about evaluation as a relevant and useful program tool. It is writtenprimarily for project directors who have direct responsibility for the ongoingevaluation of W.K. Kellogg Foundation-funded projects. However, our hope is thatproject directors will use this handbook as a resource for other project staff who haveevaluation responsibilities, for external evaluators, and for board members"




1 comment:

  1. Thank you Jon, it was a really interesting event and I hope you found it of benefit. I will be in touch shortly with an update on the changes we are making to the Leadership Development CoP as a result of the focus group feedback.Kind regards,Tom 


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