Wednesday 21 April 2010

EVENT: UK Employee Engagement Network meeting 28 June, 12.30, Russell Square, London

  A unique bringing together of the UK members of The Employee Engagement Network group to discuss topics and challenges faced.

This will be an Open Space meeting which will optimise the opportunity by creating an agenda on the day to match the needs of those attending. 

More information about Open Space meetings can be found on the meeting website by clicking the links below.

A small fee covers venue and administration charges.
Monday, June 28, 2010  12:30 PM  - 5:00 PM
The Imperial Hotel
Russell Square
London WC1B 5BB
  Attire Business Attire
  FEE View Event Fees
    View Event Summary
    View Event Agenda
  RSVP Friday, June 11, 2010

Registration details can be found at:

Cost is £29.50 plus VAT (to cover venue hire and buffet lunch - with spare monies being donated to NSPCC)

The idea for this meeting arose from the internation ning: The Employment Engagement Network with a discussion here:

Everyone with an interest in employee engagement is welcome to attend.

Hope to see you there!


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