Tuesday 26 October 2010

Transparency: rambling questions (Part 2: event advert)

Following up on the previous thread: http://www.communities.idea.gov.uk/reg/blog-display.do?id=7661290&userId=1367291

I thought I would let people know of a forthcoming conference on these matters:

The Future of Transparency in Local Government

Tuesday 7th December 2010
Westminster Studio, London SW1

The link is here: http://www.neilstewartassociates.com/sa268/index.php

I was invited to make a few comments about event whilst it was in the planning stage - which I did (and turned my comments into the previous blog post...) - which the conference producer found helpful. She has now asked me to be part of the panel on that day - at the end of the morning. 

Do come along if you can - and I will be sure to read through everyone's contributions from the previous discussion thread - if I get the time - I will plug this forum too!

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